My Jumping Dog

I was about to leave for school, but then i heard a loud bang, it was my dog. My dog loves to jump around so so so much. Sometimes times he fell but he got right back up. My mum had left just a few minutes before, and my dad was going to drop me and my brothers off. I ran into the lounge room, and helpt him up. He got up and ran for the couch and did it again. I shouted with happinies ” THAT WAS PHENOMENAL.” My dad and my brothes ran in with releaf on their face.

2 thoughts on “My Jumping Dog”

  1. Hello Lucy,

    A dog with a phenomenal jumping trick…? That would be a sight to see. Your dog would make a great entry in “Australia’s Got Talent!”. Well done.

    Ross Mannell (Team 100WC)
    Teacher (retired), N.S.W., Australia

  2. Hello Lucy, I’m a real dog fan so I loved your story. Dogs can be real naughty sometimes but I could see this one doing something amazing. I could also see him with a big smile and looking at the owner with a very pleased look on his face. Well done.

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